The SRC is a group of hard-working men and women who plan to produce three golf tournaments a year, bowling events throughout the year, “Movie Nights”, ongoing coed softball tournaments and league play, and other special events throughout the year for persons in recovery. These events promote the inclusion of the recovering persons family and friends.
SRC Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. on Zoom. We hope to return to The Council on Recovery soon.
The Council on Recovery, 303 Jackson Hill, Houston, Texas 77007.
Absolutely. Everyone is welcome. We are always looking for new ideas and volunteers.
To volunteer for an SRC event email us at
You can send an email request to and request to be added to the email mailing list
To become a member of the SRC one must attend a majority of all SRC monthly meetings, have at least thirty days of continuous sobriety and serve in a Service Work capacity, i.e. volunteer to work on a committee, volunteer to help an event, etc.